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8 August 2024

On Thursday 8 August, a new version of the application was released.

In this release, the following bugs have been resolved:

Important update on the 'edit default costplace' option for Domain Admins

We ask domain admins to be very prudent when editing the default costplace in your profile (this option is blocked for regular users). This was also incorrectly blocked for domain admins, but an unfortunate release has been deployed into production, which does re-enable a domain admin to change his/her default costplace - but this will lead to loss of data: if you select a costplace that figures among the 'additional costplaces', it will be removed from that list. The old default costplace however, will not be added to the list of additional costplaces. In other words, the old default costplace will be unlinked from your account, and must be added again by another admin. We strongly discourage the use of this field in the profile edit form. If you need your default costplace to be altered, please contact C&CZ at