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Incorrect User Archive Mailings

status: work in progress (testing phase)
references: SUP-1099, CCZ-757, RU-2547
reported: 2024-07-17
resolved: -

Some users have received an e-mail notice saying their account will be archived due to inactivity of almost 50 days. These users should not have received this e-mail, since the accepted period of inactivity is set to 365 days.

Update 22 July: Users that are approved (either in the old or in the new application), but have never logged in into the new application, are not considered 'active users', and therefore they were about to be archived already after 50 days. While waiting for this to be fixed, we temporarily set the archiving delay for non-active users (i.e. both users that have been approved but never logged in, and users that have not been approved by a domain admin yet) to 365 days instead of 50 days. As a side effect, domain admins might notice that the user list containing 'new requests' will be longer than usual.